Κυριακή, 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
Event Media Downloader – World Women’s Junior Water Polo Championships Volos 2015

As promised here is the link to download our available photos of the event on behalf of the Municipality of Volos, Dept of Sports Management.

What a wonderful week this was! We hope you enjoyed every bit of it as much as we did!

The uploading of all available photos of the World Women’s Junior Water Polo Championships Volos 2015 has been completed. More than 1500 photos are available for you, your friends and your families as a small reminder of your stay in Volos!

Volos with mountain Pelion and the nearby islands is a fantastic travel destination, we only wish you stayed longer! Greek history and sight seeing at its best! You wanna see more of it? Visit www.volosinfo.gr


Please don’t forget to contribute to our efforts just by doing this:

Copy the link  http://doepap.gr/event-media-download-fotografiko-iliko-diorganosis-gia-na-katevasete/  and Share it on all social media!


To go to the Event Media Downloader do one of the following:

Click here or copy the following link in your browser:



All the best to each of you in person,

Petros Biris,

Municipality of Volos, Dept of Sports Management

For inquiries please email us: dokimon123@gmail.com

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